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Archived News
September 2003
Week 1

Thursday September 4, 2003
New Site of the Month

Galactic Voyage has selected the next "Site of the Month" winner! The winner for September, 2003 is Emperor's Hammer! Congratulations! I want to say thank you to all who applied. Don't worry if you were not chosen this month. Once you have applied, you will always be in the running!

Very simply, the Emperor's Hammer is the largest online Star Wars gaming group in existence. They have over seven thousand members in the Emperor's Hammer community alone and with a further 2000+ in allied clubs, the Emperor's Hammer represents almost eight years of hard work (and fun) from Star Wars fans all over the world! The Emperor's Hammer is primarily based on the TIE Fighter, Dark Forces, X-Wing, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, Jedi Knight, Rebellion, and X-Wing Alliance game platforms and takes place in the Star Wars Universe following the Battle of Endor. There is so much to look at and do at Emperor's Hammer that I can not even begin to do the site justice. You must visit the Emperor's Hammer today my young apprentice!

If you would like to submit your site to be in the running for October, then apply here to be "Site of the Month!"

Posted: by Jedi Power

Wednesday September 3, 2003
3 Hyperspace Chats Starting Tonight

The Official Star Wars Site has announced more online chats. First, due to strong demand from our Hyperspace members, Pablo has agreed to take some time each week, as possible, through the rest of the shoot to talk with you and answer your questions.

This third of the weekly chats will take place on Wednesday, September 3 at 4:30 p.m. Pacific time ( 7:30 p.m. Eastern time, Thursday, Sep 4, 9:30 a.m. local Sydney time ).

Second, joining the Hyperspace online chat is Ryan Church. After joining the Episode II team, Concept Design Supervisor Ryan Church never left... continuing straight on to Episode III and still churning out the designs behind the film's look-and-feel even after principal photography ends.

Church describes his roles on Episode III as "art director and industrial designer." He enjoys conceptualizing vehicles, architecture, cultures and environments and illustrating the shots that tell the story.

The chat is scheduled for Friday, September 5, 1:00 pm US Pacific time (4:00 pm US Eastern time).

Third, joining the Hyperspace online chat is Dan Gregoire.As Previsualization Effects Supervisor for Episode III, Dan Gregoire has been leading a crew of computer artists previsualizing Episode III in a video-resolution computer-animated form long before digital cameras rolled in Sydney, Australia.

As footage rolls in and scenes and sequences take form, Dan's team continues to experiment, design and refine the non-live-action elements to allow George Lucas to craft the film.

The chat is scheduled for Tuesday, September 9, 5:00 pm US Pacific time (8:00 pm US Eastern time).

Well if these aren't enough to carry you for the next few days, I don't know what will.


Posted: by Jedi Power

Tuesday September 2, 2003
Craig Burt's Latest Painting

Craig Burt has provided another great new painting to the Featured Artist section! Thanks Craig! Also, be sure to see his outstanding gallery of work with Craig Burt's Paintings and also Craig Burt's Cartoons! You can find other great work at the Featured Artists section. Enjoy!

111commission Handy Andy.jpg (103885 bytes)


Posted: by Jedi Power

Monday September 1, 2003
Pablo Hidalgo Information

Jedi Yug sent in a summary of the discussion with Pablo Hidalgo, responsible of the marketing of Lucasfilm and which produces the daily "Set Diary" on

Spoilers - Highlight to read:

- Pablo read the scenario, he says that Vader has dialogues which shows really which side of the Force he is but the best sentence of dialogue in Episode III comes from Palpatine. Pablo is certain that several people will be use this sentence in their signatures on the forums.

- Pablo is surprised to see the effectiveness of the scenario. All the unanswered questions of the original trilogy and the prelogy, were answered.

- the new species of the character of Bruce Spence have a name but it is too early to reveal them.

- For Pablo, the most dramatic scene until now is that which washidden by black curtains to give more concentration to the actors. This scene is starring Palpatine. It is so intense that the team applauds Ian McDiarmid after his performance.

- There will be always a webcam after the end of principal photography. Nothing is still decided on what the camera will do but there are very great chances that the webcam is at Skywalker Ranch for thepost-production.

- "Select Photos" for Episode III will start to be posted on the site when principal photography is finished.

- There are some shots the ten last minute of ep3 which was filmed. The ten last minutes of the movie will be a dream comes true for the all fans of the saga.

- Obi-Wan and Anakin will have new lightsabers in Episode III but they were already seen (original trilogy).

- We will see Anakin with a red sabre-laser.

- Until now, Vader made a short appearance on the film set.

- the sentence "I have a bad feeling about this" will be used again in Episode III.

- For Pablo, the most dangerous character of Episode III is Darth Vader.

- There will be no CGI version of Vader in Episode III.

- the name of Chewbacca will be mentioned in the film. At least, it is mentioned in the scenario. However, the fans will not have difficulty to recognize him.

- the robotics team completes its work today. The bronze droid of Obi-Wan (voted by the fans) already finished its scenes.

See ya next week and may the force be with you!!!!

Thanks for the great report Jedi Yug! There are lots of good spoilers for you to enjoy.


Posted: by Jedi Power