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Archived News
March 2004
Week 1

Saturday March 6, 2004
June 2004 Comics

The Official Star Wars Site has provided a look at what Dark Horse Comics has in store for Star Wars fans in June. The Rebellion has scattered to all corners of the galaxy to avoid the inevitable Imperial reprisals after the Battle of Yavin. Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Princess Leia are aboard the Millennium Falcon, along with a young Rebel soldier named Deena Shan. They stumble across a distress signal originating from a dark jungle moon, and there they find the terrible and dangerous remains of a tragedy dating back from the Clone Wars.

Star Wars: Empire #22, by Welles Hartley and Jeff Johnson, is scheduled for release on June 2.

With prices on their heads, Mace Windu leads a team of Jedi warriors to teach the Bounty Hunters' Guild some respect. But these bounties aren't upsetting just the loyal Jedi of the Republic. Count Dooku has dispatched the renegade Quinlan Vos to put an end to the postings. Are Republic and Separatists working to the same end, or is there more to this situation than meets the eye?

Star Wars: Republic #66, by John Ostrander, Jan Duursema and Dan Parsons, features the second half of the two-part "Show of Force" storyline. It is scheduled for release on June 23.

When you live for centuries, you come to develop long friendships. Two hundred years ago, Yoda befriended the king of a world. Now, that king has sided with the Separatists, and it's Yoda's mission to lead a clone army to bring that world back to the Republic fold. The diminutive Jedi Master must face suicidal enemy soldiers, hotheaded young Jedi, single-minded clone commanders and more as he seeks a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

Star Wars: Jedi -- Yoda is a double-sized Clone Wars special, written by Jeremy Barlow with art by Hoon. It is scheduled for release on June 30.

It's indy meets Star Wars, and we're not talking about a certain globetrotting archeologist. Some of the hottest talents from the independent comic scene are contributors to the next installment of the Star Wars Tales anthology series, and many have their eyes set squarely on Jar Jar Binks.

Tony (Sock Monkey) Millionaire takes on Jar Jar's long-suffering father; Peter (Hate) Bagge exposes Jar Jar's Senatorial career; James (American Elf) Kochalka chronicles an assassination attempt on Jar Jar Binks' sippy cup; and Gilbert (Love & Rockets) Hernandez and Bob (Minimum Wage) Fingerman tell tales that have nothing to do with everyone's favorite whipping Gungan. Plus much, much more!

Reclaim your indy cred with Star Wars Tales #20, scheduled for release on June 30.

In July, the topsy-turvy "what if" tale of Star Wars: Infinities -- Return of the Jedi comes out as a trade paperback. Written by Adam Gallardo, with art by Ryan Benjamin and Salem Crawford, this alternate history take on Episode VI features a botched rescue of Han Solo, and the capture of Luke Skywalker by Darth Vader in the swamps of Dagobah. Find out what happens as the universe twists and turns in new directions in this collection of the four-part series. It is scheduled for release on July 28.

Posted: by Jedi Power

Friday March 5, 2004
Craig Burt's Cross Crux

Craig Burt e-mailed his latest piece entitled "Cross Crux." Thanks Craig! Be sure to see all of Craig Burt's Paintings on Page 1 and Page 2 along with Craig Burt's Cartoons! Also, you can find other great work at the Featured Artists section.

111Cross Crux.jpg (401553 bytes)

Posted: by Jedi Power

Tuesday March 2, 2004
Why is Endor...

This report comes from the Official Star Wars Site!
Answered by: Madame Jocasta Nu-Jedi Librarian

Why is Endor called the "centurian" moon?

Your ears deceive you, young Padawan. The term used is "Sanctuary Moon," which describes Endor's role in generating the protective shield around a vulnerable second Death Star.


Posted: by Jedi Power