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The rest of the story about Shmi Skywalker!

Today the Star Wars Union brings us the rest of the story as to what happens to Shmi on Tatooine in Episode II. Spoiler - Highlight to read: While on Naboo at Padmés summer home (which is called the "Lake Retreat") in his sleep Anakin has a vision of his mom obviously in danger. Thus, later on he decides to return to Tatooine and brings Padmé along.

On Tatooine Anakin goes to Mos Espa looking for his mom. He has a conversation with Watto who points him out to the Lars Farm, where his mom is living with Cliegg Lars. Anakin and Padmé make their way to the farm. At one point, Anakin leaves the farm to look for his mom who isn't there. He leaves Padmé at the farm and heads out into the sunset on a swoopbike (as seen in Select 19). He goes into the desert (or he goes through the desert on his way) to look for his mom and on his way he meets a Jawa who gives him directions.

When he finally finds his mom she is getting beaten to death by a group of Tusken Raiders. We can only see this beating up from Anakin's point of view. No close-ups (too violent…PG problem). Anakins runs towards them and the Tusken flee. He holds his mom in his arms and they are able to exchange some last words before she dies.

Okay. I know you have already read this part in the last 2 Shmi updates, but this brings you up to speed. What happens now is the interesting part - Anakins reaction:

Spoiler - Highlight to read: Anakin sits on top of a dune guarding Shmi's body. He goes into some sort of Trance or Meditation, for the entire night.

As the Twin Suns of Tatooine rise, he comes out of meditation. The sunlight reveals to him a few Tusken mothers playing with their children in the distance. We witness Anakin walking towards them and as he approaches them, he ignites his lightsaber.

Then the scene cuts out.

When the scene cuts back we see Anakin turn off his saber, behind him the dead bodies of those Tusken…

What is still unclear though, is the reason for Shmi's presence in the desert, and how come the Sandpeople attack her. It has also been suggested by other sources that there is a Tusken settlement included in this scene - however we find this unlikely since the Tusken Raiders are nomads and our original source never mentioned anything about a settlement.

This is Anakins first taste of the dark side. And no one will ever find out. Anakins rage overcomes him when he sees children playing with their mothers - children of the people that killed his mother.

Wow! Great update to the Shmi saga! Now if that does not chilling you to the bone, then you never really thought Vader was a bad guy!

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