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News of new worlds!

Today TF.N brings us news of possible new worlds in Episode II. Spoiler - Highlight to read: My friend "in the industry" showed me some concept artwork and reference photographs for the new planets. I don't know the plot at all, but I can describe the artwork/photos and maybe you guys can piece it together. The first planet is Kamino, and the other is Geonasis (not Geonosis). Geonasis is the name the concept artists refer to at the bottom of the artwork.

From what I can gather, Geonasis is an entirely rocky planet. The environment is dominated by canyons, and giant (I mean giant) stalagmite formations. It looks as though these formations are hollowed out, and maybe serve as towers maybe? Anyways, the Lessers (who like EP1 battledroids) live here. They live underneath the surface of this planet. I assume that they create droid armies here. There is some concept art of them in a type of throne room.

One picture has these enormous sphere-like ships that are coming out of the ground through hangars that are built into the ground. The sphere-like ships look like a cross between the Death Star, with the control tower of the Star Destroyer built on top of it. There are what looks to be dozens of these sphere ships coming out of these hangars, dotting the landscape. There are other ships nearby, but the sphere ships dwarf them. And there is what seems to be people (though I'm guessing battledroids) all in alignment, on the surface. Millions of them, all in this military alignment. This set of concept artwork is referred to as the "landing area."

Another set of pieces show someone (I'm guessing Kenobi), scaling one of these stalagmites -- probably trying to get in.

Another set of concept art displays an arena, built into the ground. It's a giant pit, and it's not really circular all the way around. The arena looks like it's built into the landscape here, flowing with the rock, around giant columns. It almost looks like a scene from Gladiator. There's some artwork of a few "gladiators" waiting to enter the arena, with Lessers looking on. The gladiators are decked out in full helmet, shield, and armor. I'm guessing that the Lessers run gladiatorial games on this planet for sport.

The last set shows a lightsaber battle in a hangar. There is a ship that looks like a cockroach, it looks like a teardrop from the top-view -- that's in the background. I think the Select photos have shown glimpses of this ship.

The other planet is Kamino. This is where the clones are manufactured. This is also where Jango and Boba "live" (maybe temporarily). This planet looks like it's all water, and it rains all the time. All the "cities" are built on top of the water, but they're supported by columns that go underneath the water. They kinda look like those oil platforms out at sea, but much more impressive. The cities look like that alderaan capital city from ralph mcquarrie's "illustrated starwars book", only metallic. The main city is called Water City.

There is artwork of a clone laboratory (thousands of rows of giant testtubes), a clone hatchery (kinda similar -- but the clones fully formed), clone barracks, a clone commissary where they eat, and a clone classroom. Note that there are thousands (maybe billions) of them here. Everything looks like a production line, in a giant laboratory. The Kaminoans run this place. They're really tall, and they have a fin that runs from their head to their back. Obi-Wan is walking with the Prime Minister in many of these pictures looking at the cloning process.

An interesting note is that all the clones look like Temuera Morrison. With their masks on they basically look like stormtroopers, only their helmets look like a cross between Fett's helmet and the Stormtrooper helmet. Finally there is a Stormtrooper inspection area, where they're all lined up like a battalion outside.

Oh, I want to add a few more things about Coruscant. It might not be new news, but alot of artwork centered around the Coruscant Street Level (kind of Blade Runnerish but bigger scale and more repeating shapes), the diner, the nightclub, the Coruscant warehouse district (away from the tall buildings / everything looks in disrepair), a spaceport, and a secret Sith hangar (!). There is a lot of meat here, but most concept art is a little different than the actual film.

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