by: Jeremy Shelton

Disclaimer: This story is not an attempt to plagiarize George Lucas or LucasArts Inc. All characters, events and technologies are the soul intellectual properties of LucasArts Inc. I am not receiving any monetary compensation for this story.


Can you tell me the difference between a myth and a legend? A myth is usually born from a sentient beings inability to comprehend the mysteries that abound in this universe. Unexplainable events that boggle the mind and test your reason will drive you to create falsehoods to assure yourself that the world is, as you believe it to be. In contrast, a legend is based in reality. It is the telling and retelling of stories of adventures and exploits that lend credence to a legend. A legend will endure through the ages. This is an account of the legend of Bobba Fett. The Mandalorian.


Inside the Emperors thrown room the air was cold and stale. It was always that way. Even with the air scrubbers and the exotic fragrance of Alderanian Lyptos plants the chamber always smelled of stale decay. It was as if the dark side of the force permeated from Palpatine’s very pores. The Imperial throne sat no higher than any other area of the chamber but it still had a way of feeling imposing to most who stood before it. But the man who now stood before Palpatine was not most men. 

“ I have summoned you to me to charge you with a most important task.” The emperor said. His voice was no louder than a whisper but it still was able to ring out through every corner of the Imperial throne room. “There is someone who is lost and I need them found. Lord Vader believes that I should not trust such a dyer task to one such as you. But I know of your hatred for the Jedi. And I know that you have not had the chance to hunt that most elusive pray in quite some time. I can sense that I need not ask if you are interested. I know you will take this bounty. Wont you Fett?” 

The lights of the throne room did little to illuminate the figure that stood before the Emperor. His Mandalorian armor was flat and dull worn over years of battle. Each indention and scar on his armor told a story unknown to most. The Wookie pelts that hung from his shoulder were a testament to his ability as a warrior. Bobba Fett was a name that most men did not wish to know. He was a Mandalorian. He was a bounty hunter. He was the best.

“Who is the target?” he said flatly.
“ A Jedi master perhaps the most well known of them all. Master Yoda has eluded our best efforts to locate him. All of Lord Vader’s attempts at finding our little green friend have been to no avail. And with the emergence of the son of Skywalker we cannot continue to believe he is dead. You will find him Fett. It would be in your best interest to kill him on sight. He is too powerful for you to attempt to transport back to us. So kill him.”
“The bounty will cost you Emperor. I want twice the normal credits.” Bobba said.
“Do not forget Bobba Fett you owe me for killing the Jedi Master responsible for killing your father.” The emperor said.
“No. You owe me for taking that privilege from me.” Bobba replied.
“ You will be compensated for your efforts bounty hunter. But, you must bring me proof that he is dead or else you will not be paid.”
“Do you not trust me Emperor?” Fett asked.
“Trust is a fool’s hope Fett. And, you know I am no fool.” The Emperor stated. “Now leave us. And, bring me my prize.”

Darth Vader watched as Bobba Fett turned and walked out of the Imperial Throne room. The Imperial guards stationed at the entrance were well trained. They were the most elite specially trained soldiers in the Imperial Army. But when Bobba Fett passed the two guards even they tended to flinch almost unconsciously. As they should, Lord Vader had been at odds with Bobba Fett before. He knew what the bounty hunter was capable of. 
“Should the he fail what then Master?” Vader asked.
“That is of no concern to you Lord Vader. Your focus should be on finding the rebels. And doing your part to end this rebellion. Or, has the appearance of the son of Skywalker clouded your vision.” Vader looked towards his Master.
“Oh, do not think that I do not know what is in your thoughts. You have not become so powerful that you are not beyond my control. You are a powerful Sith Lord but you are still the apprentice. I am the Master. Be mindful of your thoughts Lord Vader they betray you.”

Slave 1 was the closest thing to a home that Bobba Fett had. To a bounty hunter his equipment was the most important thing. Bobba kept his ship in perfect operating condition. There was no other craft in all of known space that operated as smoothly or as deadly as the Slave I. The ship was built at Kuat Drive yards. His father Jango Fett had designated the specifics of the vessel himself. A group of twelve yard workers were handpicked by Jango to construct the spacecraft. Shortly after the ship was completed the schematics for the vessel were stolen from the drive yards data facility. And, all twelve workers were involved in a tragic accident that claimed all their lives. The inner workings of the Slave 1 were a mystery to all but Jango Fett. His knowledge was passed on to his son Bobba. The Slave I began its first of several jumps into hyperspace. The destination was a place Bobba had been many times but never by the same route. The Slave I’s navi-computer was programmed to configure every possible hyperspace route to get Bobba to his destination, but to never take the same one more than once.

Bobba sat back in the pilot’s chair. He closed the blast shields on the Slave I’s forward cockpit view. All the lights in the cockpit were dimmed. Bobba Fett removed his helmet. Only in darkness would Bobba Fett take it off. The only thing in the known galaxy that Bobba Fett feared was his own face the face of his father. He could still remember the battle on Geonosis when the Jedi master Mace Windu took his father’s life. He had not looked upon his father’s face since that day when he removed his armor and buried him on that forsaken planet.

That was a long time ago but Bobba still felt the pain. But, it was that pain that drove him to become what he is; the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy. As Slave I made its way through hyperspace Bobba took the time to check his equipment again. There really was no need considering he had done this prior to landing on Corrusant but Bobba new that he had work ahead of him albeit enjoyable work.

Kedar 5 is a small remote planet that lies inside the Unknown Regions just beyond Wild Space. To Fett’s knowledge he was the only sentient being who had ever taken an interest to it. He had searched the planet and had found no indication otherwise. It was the perfect place for Bobba Fett’s lair. The ship came out of its final jump just out of the planet’s gravity well. Most people would come out sooner but Bobba preferred to come out at the last possible second. He presented less of a target that way, not that he was one to shy away from a fight, but why welcome trouble when it could be avoided. He encountered no problems upon his arrival. The ship began its descent into Kedar 5’s atmosphere. The Slave I’s mobility did diminish in atmosphere as compared to in space, but not enough that any sane person would tempt their fate against it. The ship like everything that Bobba Fett owned was a bringer of death in his capable hands.

Fett brought the ship down towards the tree tops. From above it looked to be an impassable canopy but as the ship came closer to the tops they mysteriously opened up as if welcoming the vessel. The extreme temperature of Kedar 5’s core caused all the vegetation to grow ever skyward to reach the cooler air above. The trees reached heights that would rival some of the lower levels of the capitol planet of Corrusant. The heat permeating off the ship’s hull was so great that the trees recoiled away from it. This is why they opened up and welcomed the ship below their protective canopy. Bobba piloted the ship through the large branches until he found a suitable landing spot. He was at least four kilometers from his lair but still safely inside the protective ring he had made for his stronghold. His protective ring was not a force field or some kind of power generated shield.

It was a small group of five howlrunners. Bobba had captured each of them from the planet Kamar. Kamar is a dry desert planet that orbits a white sun just beyond the Corporate Sector of space. Each of the howlrunners was a male to prevent them from breading. They had been trained to run down and kill anything within the perimeter that Fett had designated. The only flaw in this design is that they even tried to attack Bobba. That was why he always landed as far away from the bunker as possible. He did enjoy this game. For the next four kilometers Fett would need all of his cunning and skill to elude them.

After locking down the ships systems and arming its dormant protective unit, Bobba made another quick check of his equipment, both lethal and non-lethal. Bobba stepped through the main cargo bay door of the Slave I. His eyes immediately searched the shadows. The heat of the planet could be felt even through his armor. The door sealed itself behind him. Now Bobba listened. He listened for any sound that would indicate that his pets were close by. He began to make his way slowly towards his lair, being ever watchful of the shadows and how they moved. He heard no sound, not even the natural sounds of the planet. “Strange.” He thought. Normally the ground is alive with sounds of scurrying creatures. The keen senses that had placed Bobba at the top of the bounty hunters trade began to tell him that something was out of place.

From behind him a howlrunner leapt from a tree branch. This threw Fett off guard. The howlrunners had never taken to the trees before. He let his wrist-mounted cable fire towards a tree and let himself be pulled away from the runner’s leaping attack. Both of Bobba’s feet slammed into the side of the trunk. He let the line go and launched himself back towards the runner that was still charging at him. He met the howlrunner in mid flight. Bobba’s fists connected with the runner’s thick cartilage covered skull. The impact did little to hurt the runner but it was enough to heave it off balance. Bobba dropped to the ground in a crouch and turned to face the runner. The howlrunner landed off balance and stumbled. Bobba leapt on top of the runner and drove his forearm into the back of its head, the only part of its skull that was vulnerable. This dazed the runner and allowed Bobba the chance to climb off and get back to his feet. 

Before the runner could get back to its feet Bobba leaped into the air and extended his leg to deliver another blow. In mid air another runner appeared. Bobba stopped his attack and let him self roll to the ground coming up with his sidearm blaster in his hand. He fired off a shot at the oncoming animal. It was a low power shot that hit the howlrunner in the face. The shot stunned the runner but did no permanent damage. Bobba leapt to his feet and began running towards the bunker. He knew there were still three other runners waiting somewhere. The pack never strayed too far from eachother.

Bobba’s muscles pumped hard. He relished in the feeling. He kept his body in peak physical condition. His father while the exact same height was built more powerfully. Bobba was an exact genetic replica of Jango but he preferred a more lean body. It enabled him to balance his strength and his speed perfectly. His body was just as deadly a weapon as everything else in his arsenal.

Bobba drew nearer to his lair. He had not seen the other howlrunners and was not aware if the other two still followed. He had been running at top speed for over three kilometers and his speed still had not decreased. The bunker was barely visible ahead. If you did not know it was there you would not see it. Fett had designed it that way. He was watching the concealed front entrance when he saw the other three howlrunners. They were pacing in front of the lair’s entrance. Bobba came to a stop and quickly surveyed the situation. From behind he heard the other two approaching. With three howlrunners cutting him off from his bunker and two more covering his escape Bobba Fett felt a sense of pride. His pets were learning, learning well.

Read Chapter 2