Star Wars Episode III, Scourge of the Dark Side
by: Darth Trocious

Disclaimer: I cannot and will not make any money from this story, even though a few parts are my idea anyway. I do not own any of these characters and will deny any money given to me.

Star Wars Episode III

Scourge of the Dark Side

The movie begins with a view of the vastness of space. As the camera lowers, you see numerous Republic Star Fighters and Jedi Star Fighters escorting a Republic Assault ship through space. General Kenobi is seen at the bridge and he tells one of the panel operators to call for his apprentice Anakin Skywalker to ask him a few questions.

In another room, Anakin is meditating in his secret chamber. An intercom calls him to the bridge, and he uses the force to silence the intercom as he meditates. As he meditates, his mind enters a realm where he is standing by a river. The terrain around him is black rock, and he can see several images of Palpatine, Padme, and other people in the river. He hears the voice of Obi-Wan behind him, and Obi-Wan tells Anakin that he should not have to come all the way down forty floors to fetch him (Anakin’s vision is interrupted when he hears Ob-Wan’s voice) . Anakin and Obi-Wan start a heated argument between each other, and before Anakin goes mad, a large explosion shakes the Assault ship.

Outside the Republic Starfighters and Jedi Starfighters meet a massive invasion of countless Droid starfighters, Star tanks (miniature Death Star-like carriers), and several new Droid Starships. Obi-Wan Kenobi asks for reinforcements immediately, and twenty Assault ships and even more Republic and Jedi Starfighters come to aid them. As the Droid Armies and Republic armies continue to fight, Anakin runs to his Starfighter. On his way, he is met by a mysterious figure (The Traitor). The Traitor gives him a code which will "Help the Republic immensely". Anakin types in the code (which sends for the "Surprise" to come), and the Traitor sends him off to his ship. Anakin jumps into his personalized Jedi Starfighter and flies off into battle.

Anakin jumps into the field of attacking ships, and he shows his great flight skills. (The battle length is about ten to twenty minutes) As the Droid fighters show signs of victory, a large superweapon enters the battlefield (the one Anakin called for). The Large Armored Superweapon launches several torpedoes that destroy every last Droid Starfighter. The Republic leaves victoriously, but Obi-Wan leaves suspiciously.

On Coruscant, Obi-Wan lands his ship and enters the Senate to tell everyone about their victory over the Separatists. He tells them that all the separatists have been defeated, and the Senate Cheers. Obi-Wan shows the Senate the Superweapon that saved the day and the senate grows quiet. Chancellor Palpatine tells Obi-Wan that they did not order a superweapon. Obi-Wan and Palpatine talk about the superweapon and leave, and the senate is left to debate on what should be done with it.

The scene switches and shows Mace Windu and Yoda practicing their lightsaber skills against floating droid ball-thingies in a room. Obi-Wan enters the room and tells Mace and Yoda that the senate is completely split over the use of a superweapon to keep the peace in the Republic from now on. Yoda tells him that Palpatine’s emergency powers are still intact, and he will have the final say on things. Obi-Wan leaves and Mace tells Yoda that he can feel a great disturbance in the force.

Anakin returns to Naboo, and talks to Padme about the great battle he was in. Padme ignores him and tells him that he is ignorant of her every need. He tells him that if he cared about her he would stop fighting in the clone wars and take care of her while she is pregnant. She storms out of the room and Anakin is left alone. Later that night Anakin is seen sitting down on a rock by himself. Mysteriously, the Traitor finds him, and accosts him about his problems. The Traitor tempts Anakin into thinking that the real reason Padme doesn’t like him is because he is still a padawan. He also tells him that Obi-Wan is trying to keep him away from her so that he can break the two up. Anakin is nettled and returns to Coruscant to confront his master.

On Coruscant, Anakin lands and finds Obi-Wan in the Jedi temple room. Obi-Won asks him that why he would marry Padme (Obi-Wan found out after C-3P0 told him about it). Before Anakin can get a word in, Plo Koon tells him that he will be confined to the disciplinary chamber until they decide he can come out. Three Jedi escort him out, but Anakin throws them aside in a rage. Obi-Wan ignites his Lightsaber and uses the force to throw him to the ground. The three Jedi pick him up and carry him off.

Anakin is thrown in the disciplinary chamber, and he is handcuffed to the side of the wall. The Door is sealed off, and the three Jedi leave. In the Jedi Temple, Mace and Obi-Wan talk to each other about Anakin’s future on the Jedi council. Mace tells Obi-Wan that they decided to discipline him instead of expelling him, because they are fearful of him becoming a Sith.

On Magnor (lava Planet) Count Dooku stands over the edge of a large industrial tower, and a ship lands. The Traitor walks out, and tells Dooku that he could not bring Anakin to him at the moment. Dooku tells him that Sidious is growing impatient, and he needs him immediately. Sidious walks out and tells them that he will send one of his mistresses to bring him to Magnor.

The debates in the senate are growing intense. None of the senators can agree on anything with the superweapon. Some think that it should be used for controlling future rebellions, and some think it should be destroyed immediately; for fear that someone could steal it. Chancellor Palpatine looks as if he has grown tired of the debates, and leaves the thingy he stands up on. After a while, the vice chancellor tells the senate that the senate is adjourned, and a large explosion shakes the senate. The entire Senate building blows up, and pieces of the mangled building fall on numerous buildings around it. As the explosion dies down, two ships are seen flying away from the senate demolition. One is Palpatine’s escape ship, and the other is the superweapon. Palpatine lands on a platform, and tells the shocked people of the Galaxy that he is saddened by the loss of the entire Senate. He tells the people that the Republic can no longer stand, and that a new Government, the Empire, will be able to govern the corruptness of the entire galaxy. He tells the people that he will find the ones that used the superweapon and bring them to justice. The people cheer as Palpatine walks off the pedestal.

In the Jedi Temple, the Jedi are talking about how confused they are as to why Palpatine was not killed, And a hologram of Padme comes up. She tells them that she has been ordered by Palpatine herself to go to Kamino to gather clones for their assignment. She also says that Obi-Wan and Yoda have to stay behind and try to locate the lost superweapon with Jar-Jar. Obi-Wan and Yoda stay behind as all the Jedi run off to Kamino. The Jedi jump into their Starfighters and blast off.

In the Disciplinary chamber, Anakin is seen trying to unlock himself from the strong force-immune handcuffs that chain him to the wall (same ones used in the arena on Geonosis). Moments later, a beautiful lady walks in and unprograms his hand-cuffs. She introduces herself has Gale Parro. Gale and Anakin run out of the room and Gale tells Anakin that the all the senators of the republic have been killed. Anakin goes to the Republic Senate building, and is horrified as he looks on to the wreckage of the building. Gale tells him that Obi-Wan is actually a Sith that ordered the superweapon to destroy the building ("hoping that Padme was in it"), and that he is trying to do all he can to end his relationship with Padme. Anakin is again furious. Gale takes him in her ship and they blast off. But before they blast off, Gale gives Anakin a red lightsaber (Anakin’s blue one was left back at Naboo)

On Kamino, several Jedi land their ships. Mace runs out and walks into the luminous halls of Kamino. He runs into a large room, and sees Padme (along with the Neimoidians), being held at gunpoint by the traitor. Mace Windu tells him to back down. The Traitor laughs at him as five hundred clone troopers pop up behind hidden areas, aiming at the Jedi. Mace looks at the Traitor, and yells "CHARGE!!!!" All the Jedi run at him and all hell brakes loose. The Clones shoot and fire at everything while the Jedi come and attack them. Mace approaches the Traitor, and uses the force to move his lightsaber from Padme’s neck. The Traitor throws Padme aside and ignites his triple bladed lightsaber. Mace approaches him, and they swap a few blows with their lightsabers. The traitor and Mace exchange dialogue about betraying the jedi order, and the Traitor is forced to retreat. Mace turns off his lightsaber.

The Jedi are dropping like flies, and Plo Koon tells Mace to get out of here fast. Mace escapes with Padme, and they run to the landing platforms. Mace tells Padme to hide in Dagobah, and he will meet up with her there. Their ships blast off, and the Traitor looks on at their fleeing ships (The traitor is hiding right now). The Traitor waits a while for their ships to leave, and sets five thermal detonators on the platform (Similar to the one used in ROTJ). He jumps in his Jedi Starfighter (which is painted black with tie fighter like- wings) His Jedi starfighter flies off to Magnor, and it lands. The traitor is greeted by Sidious and Dooku, and walks in Sidious’s castle. On Kamino, the Jedi continue to fight the clones, until Plo Koon looks in the air. The music is set at silent with a spooky heartbeat surrounding the jedi. The camera switches to the outside, and the Kamino building explodes. The portion of the entire set, cloaked in flames, crashes into the ocean, and all the council Jedi have died.

On Magnor, Anakin and Gale walk out of the ship and Gale escorts him into a large room that is completely dark. A small red light is shown on Darth Sidious, and another even fainter light is shown on Count Dooku and the Traitor.. Darth Sidious tells Anakin that he has been treated unfairly. He says that the Jedi are growing restless with each other and will grow leaderless and frail. Darth Sidious continues on the point that he must join the dark side. He surprisingly states every one of Anakin’s personal losses to him, and Anakin is astonished. Anakin says he will never join the dark side, but Sidious changes the subject and tells Anakin that Dooku and the Neimoidians are trying to kill Padme. Anakin tells Sidious that he will find his mother at the "end of the bridge", and the Sith will be destroyed. As Sidious tries to again change the subject. Dooku is about to use a force lightning on Anakin, but Anakin kicks him through a stone wall. Dooku crashes into the side of another wall, and gets up slowly.

The traitor, Dooku, and Anakin have begun a three man free-for all lightsaber duel. As Dooku gets up, The traitor jumps in the air, and slashes his triple beam saber at Anakin. Anakin ducks, and exchanges a few parries with him. Dooku looks at the two, and shoots a sith lightning. Anakin jumps, and the traitor is shocked by the blast. Dooku flies at the traitor and they continue to lightsaber fight. Anakin picks up a part of the broken wall pieces (large heavy stones) and throws them at the two. The traitor does a side flip (a bit like the one on the Matrix when Neo dodges the train) to dodge the rocks, and Dooku slices them in half. The traitor and Anakin charge at Dooku, and continue to fight him. Dooku is annoyed by the double team strategy, so he uses the force to lunge Anakin the other way, and he continues to fight the traitor. The traitor is soon stabbed by his lightsaber, and the traitor falls. Dooku looks at Anakin, and Anakin burns with hatred. Sidious tells him to let his hate run through him. Anakin charges at Dooku, and they fight each other at even strength, until Anakin slices off Dooku’s right arm. Dooku is kicked onto the ground, and is badly wounded. Dooku slowly gets up and says "Master…. Help…. Me……" Sidious laughs as a shadow of Anakin is seeing slaying Dooku with the final blow.

Sidious, for the first time, unhoods himself. Anakin sees him as Palpatine. Palpatine looks at him, and says that his journey to the darkside is complete. Anakin looks at his arm, at how it is all black, mechanical, and menacing. Anakin is almost in a state of shock. In a rage, he charges at Sidious in an attempt to kill him. For the next three minutes, Sidious beats Anakin to a pulp. He tells him that there is no escape from the Dark side. He tells him if he tries one more time to turn away, than he will never see his mother again. Anakin slowly, but surely, surrenders, and Sidious goes on to complete his training. He finishes his training, and dubs him "Darth Vader".

On Coruscant, Obi-Wan and Yoda are meditating. The camera goes inside of Yoda’s mind, and it shows him bridging the gap between life and death. He also pierces the cloud of the dark side in his mind, and sees Anakin slaughtering sandpeople, with the ghost of Qui-Gon telling him NO Anakin, No!!! Then he hears a loud thunderous voice from above say "Whatsa aw ya doing?" Yoda’s vision is interrupted as Jar Jar walks in and asks them what they are doing. Obi-Wan tells him not to interrupt them in their meditation. He tells him that he has discovered the location of the superweapon that killed the senators. Obi-Wan, Jar Jar and Yoda run out of the Jedi temple, and blast off to Magnor. Jar Jar navigates them to Magnor, and R2 and Threepio come along to assist Jar-Jar.

On Magnor, Anakin (Now Darth Vader) is seen in his new attire, and his new haircut. Darth Vader walks out into the open and sees the superweapon being harbored in a large industrious field. Sidious tells Vader that it is only a matter of time before the Jedi are completely wiped out. Vader smiles and looks on, and sees three small fighters blast in through the dark clouds of Magnor. The Ships land and Mace, Yoda, and Obi-Wan approach Sidious’s Dark castle. Yoda and Mace enter, but Obi-Wan is sealed off from entering mysteriously. R2 is very netteled that Threepio and Obi-Wan can't get in the Tower. R2 comes to open the door, but he is met by his... old rival from the Astromech factory! The menacing black-domed R9-D9! R2 and R9 fight each other, Obi-Wan just stands there laughing as the two droids fight. Threepio comes to assist R2. In the process, R9 wipes out both their memories, and R2 and Threepio stop fighting. R9 programs them to leave back to coruscant, and they leave.

Mace, Jar Jar, and Yoda enter the Room, and they see Gale, Vader, Boba Fett (who is standing by Sidious) and Sidious. Mace tells him to back down, and Sidious walks out of the shadows, revealing his face. Yoda and Mace gasp, and they say that they should have never trusted him in the first place. Mace approaches Sidious, but Anakin and Gale jump in the way. Sidious sits down and tells him that he is going to die. Jar Jar looks at Sidious and says that his fighting skills are muy muy talientey. Sidious looks at Boba Fett and he shoots and disinigrates Jar Jar. Gale aims a bazooka cannon at Mace, but Mace uses the force to throw Gale out of the castle, and Yoda and Mace both jump at Darth Vader to fight him.

Outside of the castle, Gale falls on the stony floor, and Obi-Wan comes to console her. Gale tells him that Sidious is going to hunt down and kill every Jedi, and that he should not go under the name "Obi-Wan" anymore. She also says that Anakin has joined the dark side and that Sidious is going to use the superweapon for his tryranistic plans for the empire. Obi-Wan is shocked, and Gale and Obi-Wan run off into the down way stairwell.

Mace and Yoda continue to fight Darth Vader with the chorus of spooky monks humming in the air. After a long and tiring fight, Darth Vader blows Yoda off his feet into the wall, and continues to fight with Mace. Mace tells Yoda to escape to Dagobah, and Mace guards Yoda while Darth Vader tries to keep him from escaping. Boba runs off after Yoda. After Yoda has escaped completely, Darth Vader stabs Mace, and then a second time. Mace is horrified with the injuries, and he continues to fight Vader (similar to Boromir’s death). Vader then takes the final blow into Mace’s chest, and Mace falls. Sidious cackles in victory, but he senses something not right….

Yoda runs to his fighter, and he valiantly makes it by Boba-Fett. Yoda blasts off, and Boba Fett sneers at him, and walks off.

Obi-Wan and Gale run into a bunker and run into the cockpit of the superweapon. They program it to blow up its ammunition and they run the heck out of there. Vader looks out of the window as he sees a whole vast field blow up. The explosion is so great that the shaky unstable surface is shook to the point where lava seeps onto the ground. Obi-Wan and Gale run, and the ground beneath Gale crumbles and Obi-Wan grabs her hand. Obi-Wan tells her that he will rescue her, but a red beam taps his wrist. Obi-Wan screams in pain, as Gale falls into the pit. Obi-Wan is horrified, and he looks up to see his apprentice, Anakin. He tells him he will regret turning to the dark side, and Anakin says "My name is Darth Vader".

Darth Vader approaches him, and Darth Vader slashes at his head, but Obi-Wan ducks, and then jumps high in the air. Darth Vader blasts up to fight him. They do a few parries in the air, and they land on Sidious’s castle. They continue to fight on the roof, as they are surrounded by a collapsing world around them. Obi-Wan fights Darth Vader to the top of the castle, surrounded by a chorus of spooky monk noises like those in ROTJ. By now this is the most intense duel ever of all the movies, both Vader and Obi-Wan are dueling at incredible pace. Obi Wan is running out of energy, he looks at Darth Vader, and Darth Vader pulls out a special weapon. The weapon is a long pole with a lightsaber sticking out horizontally at the end. Darth Vader charges at Obi-Wan, he slashes his scythe blade at him, and Obi-Wan blocks it. Obi-Wan tries cut it off, but Darth Vader kicks him hard, sending him flying off the tower. Obi Wan regains his composure, and struggles to climb back on the gargoyle like thing he is dangling on. Darth Vader flies down in all his horror, and slashes at him.

Obi-Wan blocks it again, and a large earthquake splits the castle in half. Obi-Wan and Anakin are both thrown off balance, and Anakin is at the edge of the Gargoyle statue. Obi-Wan makes one final effort to bring Anakin back to the light side, but Anakin refuses. At that moment lightning continues to rain on the very patch of castle they are standing on. Continuous bolts strike away on the building. Darth Vader lifts his scythe high in the air to slash at Obi-Wan but a lightning bolt tears at the long gargoyle thing he is standing on, and Darth Vader falls to the lava, and Obi-Wan is shocked. Before he can make an attempt to save Darth Vader, he sees the ground between him split. He commands his Jedi Starfighter to hover on autopilot towards him, and Obi-Wan makes his escape. Sidious is shocked as he sees his apprentice in the pit, and the camera changes to him in a medical room after Sidious is seen walking away.

On Dagobah, Padme shows Yoda Luke and Leia as babies. Obi-Wan’s ship lands. In tears, Obi-Wan tells her that Anakin is dead, and she cries. He also says that her twins have to be separated and hidden, because the Emperor is going to begin his Jedi massacre soon. Padme tells him that she will take Leia to Alderaan, and she asks Obi-Wan to take Luke to Owen Lars’s homestead. Padme hands Obi-Wan Anakin’s lightsaber, and tells him to have him use it when he grows up. It is an emotional scene as Padme and Obi-Wan go separate ways and leave Yoda. Their ships fly off. (The music being played is new with a very emotional theme in it)

John William’s orchestra plays a heavy Imperial March as Darth Vader’s Bionic suit is put on by robotic arms. Finally, you can see his helmet places onto his head, and there are several wires shooting electricity into his body. (Similar to Frankenstein kind of) Darth Vader rises from the chair… Sidious tells him that they have a lot of Jedi to take care of, and Vader tells him that he will find them quickly.

The movie ends as Luke and Leia are delivered. After Obi-Wan gives Luke to Owen, he walks off into the desert, waiting for the new hope to be return….